by Euan | Feb 16, 2023 | Front page, Interviews
David Gerow’s wonderfully strange ‘Story for Circular Breathers’ opens our latest issue. If you haven’t already, you can read it here. We caught up with Dave for a quick chat about the piece and his writing more generally. Can you tell us a little about the genesis of...
by Euan | Feb 27, 2022 | Front page, Interviews
Another post in our occasional series talking to past Structo contributors. This time we feature an interview with the author and poet Rosebud Ben-Oni. You can read her story ‘Never My Story, My Name is Yours’ online in Structo 7. Can you tell me a little about...
by Euan | Dec 31, 2021 | Front page
In the Structo 20 editor’s letter, I wrote: And so we will not be opening submissions immediately after this issue goes to press. Instead, we will be spending some time to figure out what’s next. This will mostly involve conversations with writers, readers and fellow...
by Lydia | Oct 21, 2021 | Front page, Reviews
The debut collection by Emily Cooper opens on a potential slip, a dangerously formless ice-cream on the tarmac: somebody is going to get hurt. There’s no ownership here, no stasis, not of the physical sort – our narrator is a passer-by, a witness-but-not, and as...
by Euan | Aug 31, 2021 | Front page, Structo Press
Here at the end of a really excellent Women in Translation Month, we are delighted to announce the next title from Structo Press: Wolfskin by Lara Moreno, translated from the Spanish by Katie Whittemore. Coming in January 2022, this intimate and unflinching novel...
by Euan | May 13, 2020 | Front page, Interviews
Another post in our occasional series talking to past Structo contributors. This time we feature an interview with the author Michael Martin. You can read his story ‘A Question for the Candidate’ online in Structo 9. We published ‘A Question for the...