Structo issue 15 features 11 short stories, 17 poems, a feature on cover design & an interview with the ex-poet laureate of North Korea Jang Jin-sung.
Format: 106pp, B5, perfect bound, colour
Laura Boswell
Colette Coen
Jude Cook
Stephen Durkan
Sarah Evans
Stephen Hargadon
Gregory Heath
Paula Hunter
Dan Micklethwaite
Barbara Renel
Christopher Vondracek
Juana Adcock
Marie-Andree Auclair
Daniel Bennett
Claire Booker
Marianne Daniels
Claire Dyer
Mária Ferenčuhová
Ángeles García-Madrid
Siobhan Harvey
Michael Metivier
Timothy Otte
Holly Pike
Kate Wise
Jacquie Wyatt
Daniel Benneworth-Gray
Jennifer Carrow
Jang Jin-sung
Oliver Munday
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Dan Micklethwaite reads his story ‘& Not A Drop’: