by Matthew | Mar 6, 2019 | Competitions
Lent Is just around the corner and Structo is hosting its fifth Lenten Psalms Contest. The basics: pick a psalm and translate/rework/rewrite/reinvent it. Feel free to upend, reverse, riff on, and transform. Yank out a single thread from a psalm and watch the tapestry...
by Euan | Mar 6, 2017 | Competitions
Lent is here and Structo is holding its fourth Lenten psalms translation contest. We’re looking for free translations from the biblical psalms. Lent. Translations. Biblical. Psalms. These words might bring up some questions. What’s Lent got to do with poetry in...
by Nat | May 16, 2016 | Reviews
his poems — rarely personal, ferociously political, and consistently uncanny — offer apocalyptic visions of European capitalism as a sober corrective Review by William Braun. One may be forgiven for expecting a beast of a different sort from Cristian...
by Euan | Nov 18, 2015 | Author news, Front page
Readers might recall that our poetry editor Matthew Landrum has a particular interest in the language of the Faroe Islands. With his first chapbook of Faroese translations out now from Coldhub Press, we thought it was a good moment to ask him exactly just… ...
by Christine | May 25, 2015 | Author news, Front page
Boris Glikman’s fiction appeared in issue seven of Structo. We invited him to fill us in on what he’s been up to since. Your work was on display for two months in Melbourne’s Federation Square. Can you tell our readers a little bit more about that project?...