Three Little Pigs, Mitimo Methodist Church- CC- Lorraine PhelanThose of you who have followed us over the past weeks and months and years may have noticed that a lot has changed at Structo, both in terms of the physical magazine and our online presence. This iteration is a constant process, and we like it that way.

This great article at A List Apart talks about design criticism via the tale of the Three Little Pigs. It goes a long way to explaining the way we work. We enjoy being the kind of designers the Three Little Pigs were not: collaborative. We keep our ears perked and our snouts to the ground. And we want to hear from you.

We realize that here at Structo it’s not all cream city brick, polished terrazzo, and Sienna shingles. There are likely some sticks and straw and areas that could use improvement, and we’re not at all shy about that. To sort the wheat from the chaff, we’d appreciate your help.

We put together this survey because we’d like to hear from all of our readers. Whether you follow us online regularly or are just passing through, feel free to fill it out. It’s short—one page. And did I mention you can enter to win a copy of Alex Christofi’s début novel Glass

— Christine

Photo (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) by Lorraine Phelan.