New chapbook: Flowers Around Your Soft Throat

I am thrilled to announce that Structo’s first poetry chapbook is now available. Christina Seymour’s collection Flowers Around Your Soft Throat is built around her winning entry for the 2015 Structo psalms contest, ‘A Song of Loves’, and...

Issue 15 now online

It’s been a few months since the print edition of issue 15 was published, and so as usual we have released it online to read for free over at Issuu. This one features 11 short stories, 17 poems, a feature on cover on design, an interview with three of our favourite...

People Reading

A blog I’ve been reading for ten years – indeed, since it started! – is People Reading. In each post, Sonya Worthy snaps a photo of someone on the street reading a book. She then interviews them briefly and finds out what they’re reading and why....

A Conversation with Karen Runge

Karen Runge’s book is only 16 days old when we meet up on Skype to talk about it. “It’s a screaming new born babe,” she says. “It needs a lot of attention and love and pushing.” It’s interesting to think of Runge’s debut...

Forward Prize nominations 2015–2016

Each year we have the honour of nominating poems for the Forward Prize. It’s a difficult thing, choosing from the last two issues’ lovely and memorable poems but after some wrestling and rereading we settled on these four pieces: ‘Trouble...