Lenten Psalms Translation Contest 2019

Lent Is just around the corner and Structo is hosting its fifth Lenten Psalms Contest. The basics: pick a psalm and translate/rework/rewrite/reinvent it. Feel free to upend, reverse, riff on, and transform. Yank out a single thread from a psalm and watch the tapestry...

Lenten psalms translation contest 2017

Lent is here and Structo is holding its fourth Lenten psalms translation contest. We’re looking for free translations from the biblical psalms. Lent. Translations. Biblical. Psalms. These words might bring up some questions. What’s Lent got to do with poetry in...

Austrian Cultural Forum Prizes

As you will know if you have picked up a copy of the magazine over the last few years, we’re big fans of works in translation. And so we were delighted when the Austrian Cultural Forum in London got in touch to ask whether we’d like to help judge their new...

The 2016 psalm translation contest

Lent is upon us once more, and with it another Structo psalm translation contest. The basics of this are as follows: take a biblical psalm and reinvent it in English. We want the material through your eyes, any way you see fit. You needn’t know any original languages...

Issue 13 competition

To celebrate the release of the new issue, we have two pairs of poetry pamphlets to give away: one by issue 13 interviewee Sjón and another by Structo alum Will Burns. The copies of Sjón’s At the Grave of the Invisible Man are part of a limited edition of 100...

Writing Chinese

We’re delighted to be a part of the University of Leeds’ Writing Chinese project, based at the University’s White Rose East Asia Centre. Here’s Sarah Dodd, a researcher at the Centre, talking about the genesis of the project:The Writing Chinese...